Lijun Gou
2010/1/1 14:30
3010/1/1 14:30
The Age of the Local Interstellar Bubble
DSS-GAC -- a Digital Sky Survey of the Galactic Anti-center
Mapping the Supersturucture of Galaxies at High Redshift
Instrumentation for Kinetic Inductance Detector (KID) Based Sub-millimeter Radio Astronomy
A self-consistent turbulence model for explosive magnetic reconnection
Solar dynamo models with multi-cell meridional circulation
A Unique Metric for Cosmology
Searching for Supernovae with Small-Size Telescopes in China
Puzzling accretion onto a black hole in M101 ULX-1
Tidal Streams, Dark Matter, and volunteer Computing with Milkyway@home
Timing noise of radio pulsars and implications to neutron star's interior structure and gravitational wave detection
3 colours simultaneous imager in the Ali site Project: HinOTORI
obotic Surveys of Habitable Earth - like Planets and Follow - ups of High Redshift Gamma Ray Bursts
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
The Evolution of the Milky Way Ecosystem
Finding Transiting Exoplanets and Characterizing their Atmospheres: HATSouth and ACCESS
Probing Magnetic Field in the Solar Interior: Solar-cycle Variations of Meridional Flows
Microlensing Constraints on Quasar X-ray Emission Regions
The Central Engine Around Nearby AGNs
The Spins of Stellar-Mass Black Holes
Extragalactic Science with Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
Extracting science from surveys of our Galaxy
Building Collaborations and Preparing the Next Generation of Scientists and Engineers
The Thirty Meter Telescope
What do we really know about DM?
Formation of Rings of Satellites in the Local Group and Elsewhere
The Mystery of Galactic Death: Why Star-Formation Stops in Galaxies
The shortest-period planets
Formation of planetary architecture and the detection of exoplanets in Antarctic
Star formation quenching in central and satellite galaxies
Special colloquium in Chinese: How much do you understand the genetically transformed food? 您了解转基因食品吗?
Recent Results from the Australian SKA site
Gamma Ray Bursts and the Birth of Black Holes
Hot gas in clusters of galaxies, Cosmic Background Radiation and cosmology
Asteroseismology for Galactic Archaeology: bridging two fields
Studies of High-Energy Cosmic Rays with the newly upgraded Tibet ASgamma experiment
The circumgalactic medium
Warm Ionized Gas in Early-type Galaxies and SDSS-IV/MaNGA
Stellar tidal disruptions and detections of supermassive black hole binaries in normal galaxies
Origin of Gamma-Ray Emission from Supernova Remnants
The MINERVA Project: Small exoplanets from small telescopes
Planetary Atmospheres: From Here to Light Years Away
The MESSIER orbiter: unveiling galaxy formation
CSI: Type Ia Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Clouds
Lunar Physical Libration & Interior Structure: Theoritical Model & Observation
Magnetic interaction between close in planets and their host stars
From Photons to Petabytes: Surveys with DECam and LSST
Artificial Intelligence via Deep Learning
The circumgalactic Medium, the Intergalactic Medium, and Prospects with TMT
Asymmetric supernovae explosions: theory and experiment
Stacked weak gravitational lensing: constraining galaxy clusters structure and cosmological parameters
Star Formation In Nearby “Extreme” Galaxies
大话超导(what is super about superconductors?) 【中文/Chinese】
The formation and dynamical evolution of free-floating planets in star clusters
Star Formation and Stellar Populations of Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies at High Redshifts
极小粒子与极大宇宙的内在规律 【中文】
Architecture and Timing of Planetary Systems
The Orion Nebula: Implications for the Obscuring Torus in AGN
Coexistence of cosmological constant and holographic dark energy
Discovering an Ultra-luminous Quasar with Most Massive Black Hole in the Distant Universe
Correlation, entropy and the information loss paradox
General Polytropic Dynamic Collapses/Outflows under Self-gravity: from Hypermassive Black Holes to Brown Dwarfs and Gaseous Planets
Understanding the inner structure of quasars: from phenomenology to reverberation mapping
Developing a New International Training Program for the Thirty Meter Telescope
CCAT: A wide-field submillimeter telescope at an exceptional site
免疫系统的是与非 (Public talk in Chinese)
The dust production by evolved stars in the Magellanic Clouds
The FunnelWeb survey with the TAIPAN spectrograph: complementing LAMOST for bright stars in the Southern hemisphere
The development of radio astronomy
MHD Waves in Coronal Holes and Coronal Seismolgy
The Magnetic Nature of Our Sun
The Evolution of Star-Forming Cores in Molecular Clouds:Using Theoretical Models to Inform Observations
Cosmic Evolution---Nine Billion Years in 60 Minutes
The statistical applications on the galaxies and AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Observing gravitational waves with Advanced detectors
Black Hole Spin and Relativistic Jets
An X-ray View of the Galactic Center: An Observer's Collection of Unresolved Problems
Revealing the mysteries behind galaxy formation feedback using Bayesian computation and back-of-envelope calculation
Millimeter and radio studies of quasars and their host galaxies in the most distant universe
Overview of Results from MESSENGER at Mercury
On, In, and About Interstellar Superbubbles and Supershells
Extremely Light Dark Matter psiDM
The Astrophysics of Stellar Mass Compact Objects
Probing black hole-galaxy coevolution and calibrating single-epoch virial black hole mass estimators
Inflationary Cosmology: Progress and Problems
How environment shapes galaxy evolution: the satellite galaxies' perspective
How to publish a paper in Nature
Measuring the Cosmos with Gaia
Quasars as dark energy probes
Development of optical/infrared instrumentation capability in ASIAA
Machines of Loving Grace: will the Robots and AIs we are creating be our slaves, Masters or Partners?
Dark Energy: constant or time variable? (... and other open questions)
Testing Cosmological Models with X-ray Galaxy Clusters
ELUCID: Exploring the Local Universe with reConstructed Initial Density field
The University of Arizona and The Next Generation of Astronomical Facilities
The Physics and Roles of Black Holes and Cosmic Rays in Cosmic Structure Evolution
Geometry of X-ray sources in accreting black-hole binaries
Neutrino Oscillations: Past, Present and Future
引力波探测: 历史、现状和未来 (中文报告/In Chinese)
Reverse Engineering Galaxies in the Big Data Era
EM Counterparts of Gravitational Wave events: Challenges and Chances
Cosmological Measurements from Galaxy Clustering
Cosmological Large Scale Structure
Recent Results on Circumbinary Planets
Advanced Stellar Population Synthesis and its Application
Planets and Stellar Remnants in and out of Globular Clusters
The Dharma Planet Survey of Rocky Planets around Nearby Solar Type Stars
Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves
Applying Machine Learning for Gravitational-wave Burst Data Analysis
Solar flares and energetic particles
Supernova 1987A
NOAO Today and Tomorrow
Hunting for Cosmic Baryons
Testing Einstein’s Equivalence Principle with Cosmic Transients
GW astrophysics:theory,simulation and observation
Pieces to the Puzzle of Galaxy Formation
Heavy Metal Stars: crazy composition, puzzling pulsations and chaotic kinematics
The Breakthrough Initiatives: Life in the Universe
Semi-analytical modelling of galaxy formation: results from a new multi-wavelength model
Probing reionization with Lyman-alpha and 21cm emission/absorption
The Chilean Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies
Reverberation mapping of active galactic nuclei for black hole mass: current, future and applications
Gravitational lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background:flux conservation and growth of inhomogeneities
The Milky Way as a Laboratory for Galaxy Evolution
The Art of Astrophotography
LIGO: A Laser Strainmeter for the Universe
A Good Hard Look at Growing Supermassive Black Holes in the Distant Universe
The Magellanic Stream: two ram-pressure tails and the relics of the collision between the Magellanic Clouds
Turbulence and Magnetic Field in High-Beta Plasma of Intracluster Medium
Do Stars form by Gravitational Collapse?
Planting seeds for gravitational wave generators around active galactic nuclei: Analog of planetary systems around massive black holes
Testing General Relativity with CMB and LSS data
Star formation: major results from the Herschel Space Observatory
Fast Radio Bursts: The Story So Far
Development of Superconducting Mixers and Detectors for the DATE5 Telescope
Cosmic Mammoth - Mapping the Most Massive Large-scale Structures in the early Universe
SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey and Searching for Extremely Metal-poor Stars
The evolution of protoplanetary disks and their host stars
Microwave diagnostics of pitch-angle anisotropy of electrons accelerated in solar flares
Weighing our Dark Halo
Living with a Star
Origin of Heavy Elements in EMP Stars in the MW and Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies
The Lagrangina View of Fluid Turbulence
ABS, CMB foreground removal, weak lensing reconstruction by counting galaxies, and beyond
ESASky, ESA’s new science-driven portal for ESA space astronomy missions
Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061: a Community Foresight Exercise
New statistical measurements of the 21-cm signal beyond the power spectrum
High-Contrast & Resolution Imaging Technique and Applications in Exoplanets Detection and Solar Observations
Modified Gravity as an Explanation for Cosmic Acceleration and Its Cosmological Probes
Galaxy Kinematics and Cosmology from Accurately Modeling the Redshift-Space Galaxy Clustering
What is Nature Astronomy and how do I get published in it?
Toward Realistic Understandings of Protoplanetary Disks
Music, Astrophotography and Image Processing
Science on Space Stations
The importance of telescopes of all sizes, from small to extremely large: the example of exoplanet research
Pulsar Astronomy with Parkes
The Restless Universe: An areal view of the Palomar Observatory (California)
Introduction to Insight-HXMT: China's first X-ray Astronomy Satellite
Gravitational Waves and the Interstellar Plasma
Multiple Supernova Explosions from A Zombie Star
Precision fundamental physics with astronomy
Surveys of Warm Molecular Gas in Local LIRGs: from Herschel to ALMA
The Neutron Star Zoo
Future Observatories for Ground Based Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Quest for Galaxy-Wide Quasar Feedback
Searching for Habitable Worlds Using Artificial Intelligence
Intergalactic Medium
New insights on the X-ray Source Populations in Globular Clusters, Galactic Center and Galaxy Clusters
On Astronomical Studies of the Space Weather Effects of Habitable Exoplanets and the Earth
Jets in black-hole binaries
Magnetic Fields and Star Formation: Observations and Implications
Diffuse Neutrinos and Gamma-rays from Galaxy and Cluster Mergers
Seeing clearly: How the new technology of adaptive optics is transforming optical astronomy
The Nature of M Dwarfs
Discovery Sciences Using 1.6m Goode Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory
Dwindle, Dwindle Little Stars ---Hunting for Substellar Objects Young and Old Rich and Poor
Molecular Oxgen detected in Mrk231
A Magellan M2FS Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxies at 5.5 < z < 6.7
Embracing A New Era With Gaia-LAMOST Data---Breakthroughs Are Coming
Mean Field Dynamo Theory and Solar Cyclicity: The Helicity Challenge
Pulsar studies with Fermi: the first decade
Close Major-Merger Pairs: Merger Rate, SFR Enhancement, and Cosmic Evolution
Near and Long Term Plans at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
The Tai Chi in Star Fromation
Powerful jets and winds from stellar-mass objects
Extreme Quasars During the Cosmic Dawn
Constraining Planet Mass-Scale Objects in Extragalactic Galaxies and Immediate Environment around Supermassive Black Holes with Quasar Microlensing
Dark matter revealed by the first stars?
A conclusive test of cold dark matter
The Impact of Masers in Modern Astrophysics
Numerical studay of AGN feedback
Monitoring of the ozone layer above Switzerland: Variability from diurnal to decadal scales
A new look at clustered star formation
Massive black holes along the cosmic history: formation, dynamics and gravitational waves
Suppression of star formation in transitioning galaxies in Compact Groups
Fundamental limits to the precision in astrometry and photometry using array detectors
Measurement of high redshifts of submillimeter galaxies with the new NOEMA system
Professional and Amateur Astronomical Observations above the Atacama Desert
Cosmology with X-ray Galaxy Clusters
MOCCA Survey Database I. - Projects Related to BHs?
Recent developments in the modelling of the solar chromosphere
The Schmidt Law at Sixty
The Hubble Deep Field and its Legacy
Methane on Mars and Habitability: Challenges and Responses
Use of Automated methods in Stellar Astronomy
Observations and Modeling of Global Waves on the Sun
An HI view of the nearby galaxies
Gravitational Wave Astrophysics with the gravitational capture of compact objects by massive black holes
365 Days of the Moon(月球的365天)
Observational Planet Formation
Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: Progress and Prospects
The Chandra Deep Fields: A Long Hard Look at the Universe
Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars: Probes of First-Star Nucleosynthesis and Galaxy Assembly
The Baryon and Metal Content of Halos of Galaxies
A next-generation Compton telescope - The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI)
Mechanism of Pulsar Radio Emission
A brief introduction to turbulence
First Direct Image of a Black Hole
Extragalactic Supernova Remnants in NGC 3344 with SITELLE
India's Astronomy Facilities: Current and Future
Construction, evolution, and helicity analysis of knotted vortex/magnetic tubes
What is beyond the “visible” galaxy?
Tidal Disruption Events as a Probe of Accretion Physics
Zooming in on protoplanetary disks with ALMA
Venus as a Twin of Earth
Formation and evolution of thin and thick g(G)alactic discs: N-body results and observations
Chasing the Sun and Stars (科普报告:追星逐日)
A Tale of Gas Giant Planet Formation: New Insights into Jupiter’s Diluted Core
The origin of massive gravitational wave sources
A Simple Model for AGN Quenching and Black Hole Scaling Laws
LHAASO Status and First Results
Neolithic (stone age) “records” of astronomical Transients?
Search for Fast radio bursts with Chinese radio telescopes
Measuring distances of quasars through geometric method
Fast inflows directly feeding quasar accretion disks
Einstein Probe: exploring the dynamic X-ray universe
From gravitational to plasma lensing
Stellar dynamics around the supermassive black hole at the Galactic center
A comprehensive survey of dense gas structures and star formation in Cygnus-X
Dark matter halos from inside out: the dynamical state, distribution and boundary of halos
Testing modifications of gravity from galaxy motions on cosmological scales
The Hubble Tension and the Magnetic Universe
Resources and Services at National Astronomical Data Center
Touring the stages of star and planet formation
Studies on low-mass satellite galaxies and faint diffuse stellar halos of isolated central galaxies
Elliptical accretion disk as a model for tidal disruption events
Astrostatistics and the pathway to interdisciplinarity
Xiaoying Pang: Disruption of open clusters in the Galactic disk via Gaia data
TRILEGAL Milky Way Stellar Mock Catalogue for CSST
The “Missing baryons” in the cosmic web—What is it? Where is it? How much?
How FAST's Bridging the Two Centuries -- Faraday Style
Did LIGO detect primordial black holes?
Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics in the 2020's
从Schmidt 60/90cm到TMT: 近邻和深场宇宙的测光和光谱巡天观测研究
Mapping Nearby Galaxies with Integral Field Spectroscopy
Witnessing A New Era of X-ray Astronomy
JWST时代的极红星系:尘埃吸收vs 星系质量
The Assembly of the Milky Way(s): what we learnt from LAMOST and Gaia, and what we will learn in near future(银河系组成研究的今天和明天——从Gaia-LAMOST到CSST)
Cosmological implications of large galaxy surveys
From the SKA to FAST expanded array (FASTea)
Advances in the study of solar multi-scale magnetic activity
Binary Neutron Stars: Mergers, Kilonovae, and their Host Galaxies
Focal Plane Detection Application for Astronomy
Pulsar and Fast Radio Burst study using FAST / FAST脉冲星和快速射电暴研究